Present and future

With 100 Employees all over the world OCMI-OTG is running three manufacturing units: Milan, Paris, Ahmedabad. More then 70% of our work force is dedicated to manufacturing and within this percentage 50% is dedicated to installation and quality control. This is...

OCMI India

The idea behind the OCMI India project is to supply the market with products made especially for the need of the Indian producer and realised with the quality and the aftersale service of a top European manufacturer


OCMI and OTG merged into OCMI-OTG Spa

Moderne Mecanique

OCMI purchased from Schott Moderne Mecanique its main competitor in the ampoule line manufacturing business


Gusti Alfredo SPA spin-off all its assets into a Newco named OTG and also moved to a new premise in Milano (Via Venezia Giulia,7)
Machinery for the production of tubular glassware for the pharmaceutical industry as confirmed by the great number of machines installed worldwide.
The core business of the OTG division is the manufacturing of custom gears and gear units for industrial application, high speed, step-up, railway, single or multi-stage gears unit and test bench.